
This module provides wrapper functions for the FSL FLIRT tool, and other related tools.


Wrapper for the flirt command.


Wrapper for the makerot command.


Convenience function which runs flirt -applyxfm ....


Wrapper for the applyxfm4D command.


Use convert_xfm to invert an affine.


Use convert_xfm to concatenate two affines.


Use convert_xfm to fix the skew scale of an affine.


Wrapper for the mcflirt command.


Wrapper for the standard_space_roi command.

fsl.wrappers.flirt.flirt(src, ref, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for the flirt command.

The twod argument may be used in place of the 2D command line option.

fsl.wrappers.flirt.applyxfm(src, ref, mat, out, interp='spline', **kwargs)[source]

Convenience function which runs flirt -applyxfm .... Note that the default value for -interp is spline, which differs from the command-line default.

fsl.wrappers.flirt.applyxfm4D(src, ref, out, mat, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for the applyxfm4D command.

fsl.wrappers.flirt.invxfm(inmat, omat)[source]

Use convert_xfm to invert an affine.

fsl.wrappers.flirt.concatxfm(atob, btoc, atoc)[source]

Use convert_xfm to concatenate two affines. Note that the order of the input matrices is the opposite of the order expected by convert_xfm.

  • atob – Input matrix, transforming from “A” to “B”.

  • btoc – Input matrix, transforming from “B” to “C”.

  • atoc – Output matrix, transforming from “A” to “C”.

fsl.wrappers.flirt.fixscaleskew(inmat1, inmat2, omat)[source]

Use convert_xfm to fix the skew scale of an affine. Note that the order of the input matrices is the opposite of the order expected by convert_xfm.

  • inmat1 – Input matrix to fix.

  • inmat2 – Matrix to scale the skew to.

  • omat – Output matrix.

fsl.wrappers.flirt.mcflirt(infile, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for the mcflirt command.

fsl.wrappers.flirt.standard_space_roi(input, output, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for the standard_space_roi command.

Refer to the standard_space_roi command-line help for details on all arguments.

fsl.wrappers.flirt.makerot(theta, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for the makerot command.

fsl.wrappers.flirt.midtrans(output, *transforms, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for the midtrans command.