
This module contains wrapper functions for various FSL command-line tools.

fsl.wrappers.avwutils.fslmerge(axis, output, *images, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for the fslmerge command.

This function emulates the fslmerge command-line, despite its inconsistencies:

fslmerge -<txyza> out in1 in2 in3
fslmerge -tr      out in1 in2 in3 <tr>
fslmerge -n <n>   out in1 in2 in3

If axis == 'n', the first positional argument is assumed to be the volume index.

If axis == 'tr', the last positional argument is assumed to be the TR time.

Refer to the fslmerge command-line help for details on all arguments.

fsl.wrappers.avwutils._fslmerge(axis, output, *images)[source]

Calls fslmerge -<txyza> output [image image ...].

fsl.wrappers.avwutils._fslmerge_n(n, output, *images)[source]

Calls fslmerge -n <n> output [image image ...].

fsl.wrappers.avwutils._fslmerge_tr(tr, output, *images)[source]

Calls fslmerge -tr output [image image ...] <tr>.

fsl.wrappers.avwutils.fslselectvols(src, out, vols, m=False, v=False)[source]

Wrapper for the fslselectvols command. vols may be a sequence, or comma-separated string, or path to a file.

Refer to the fslselectvols command-line help for details on all arguments.

fsl.wrappers.avwutils.fslsplit(src, out=None, dim=None)[source]

Wrapper for the fslsplit command.

Splits a file in different volumes / slices

  • src – Input image

  • out – Output basename

  • dim – One of 't', 'x', 'y', or 'z'

Refer to the fslsplit command-line help for details on all arguments.

fsl.wrappers.avwutils.fslcpgeom(src, dest, d=False)[source]

Wrapper for the fslcpgeom command.