
This module provides functions for serialising and deserialising the values of most fsleyes_props property types (which are defined in properties_types).

This module only contains logic for those property types that the default python conversion routines would not be able to handle. For example, an Int property value can be serialised with str, and deserialised with int. Such logic is already built into the Int class, so there is no need for this module to duplicate it.

An example of where specific serialisation/deserialisation logic is useful is the Boolean property. Passing a boolean value,``True`` or False to the str function will result in a string 'True' or 'False'. However, passing a string 'True' or 'False' to the bool function will result in True in both cases.

The logic needed to safely serialise/deserialise Boolean values, and other property types for which it is needed, is provided by this module.

fsleyes_props.serialise.DELIMITER = '#'

Delimiter string used to join multi-valued properties.

fsleyes_props.serialise.serialise(hasProps, propName)[source]

Get the value of the named property from the given HasProperties instance, serialise it, and return the serialised string.

fsleyes_props.serialise.deserialise(hasProps, propName, string)[source]

Deserialise the given string, under the assumption that it is a serialised value of the named property from the given HasProperties instance.