fsleyes-props release history

This document contains the fsleyes-props release history in reverse chronological order.

1.12.0 (Friday 8th November 2024)


  • The Choice.setChoices() method now accepts a newChoice argument, allowing the new choice value to be set when the choices are updated.

  • New onUser argument when creating a Widget for a .Choice property, which is called whenever the user interacts with the widget.

1.11.0 (Monday 18th September 2023)


  • New prefix option for ColourMap properties - when a prefix is set, assignments to the property, e.g. obj.cmap = 'red', will cause a colour map named {prefix}_red to be chosen over a colour map named red, if the former is registered with matplotlib.


  • The ColourMap property no longer supports looking up colour maps by their name or registered key. This is because matplotlib 3.8 has made it impossible to give a colour map a name different to the key under which it registered.

1.10.0 (Tuesday 18th July 2023)


  • Array property types can now be set to None.

  • Replaced setup.py-based build system with pyproject.toml.

1.9.6 (Monday 10th July 2023)


  • The type-specific equality function is now used when the 'default' attribute value is changed, instead of a naive equality (==) comparison. This is primarily to allow the default value to be set to a numpy.array (e.g. for the Array type), for which a naive equality test would result in an error.

1.9.5 (Thursday 6th July 2023)


  • Added the ability to set the label shown alongside a checkbox bound to a Boolean property when creating a via Widget specification. The label can be specified with the cblabel argument.

1.9.4 (Thursday 6th July 2023)


  • Adjusted the buildGUI() function so that initial widget states (as determined by enabledWhen / visibleWhen) are correctly set.

1.9.3 (Monday 20th March 2023)


  • Fixed potential infinite loop if a property value is set to the HasProperties instance.

1.9.2 (Wednesday 15th March 2023)


1.9.1 (Tuesday 21st February 2023)


  • Adjustments to the ColourMap property so that it prefers colour maps that are specified with the ColourMap over built-in matplotlib colour maps.

1.9.0 (Monday 20th February 2023)


  • fsleyes-props now requires matplotlib >= 3.5.0, and has been updated to use the new matplotlib.colormaps registry.

1.8.3 (Tuesday 7th February 2023)


  • Fixed an issue in dependency specification.

1.8.2 (Monday 22nd August 2022)


  • Fixed a bug whereby property definitions from a base class would be used when creating a HasProperties object, even if those properties were overwritten in a sub class.

1.8.1 (Thursday 18th August 2022)


  • Changed the initialisation logic for Bounds properties, so that if a default and minval/maxval are specified, the former is not overwritten by the latter.

1.8.0 (Thursday 18th August 2022)



  • Property value listener functions can be defined to accept no arguments, if none are needed.

  • The Bounds property type now accepts minval and maxval options, for setting the initial minimum/maximum limits for each axis.

  • The suppress() and skip() functions now accept one or more property names.

1.7.3 (Wednesday April 21st 2021)


  • Fixed deprecated usage of the matplotilb.cm.cmap_d colour map dictionary.

1.7.2 (Saturday March 27th 2021)


  • The Color property type now accepts any value that is accepted by the matplotlib.to_rgba function.

  • Properties of type The Int and Real can be set to None (unless required=True and allowInvalid=False).

1.7.1 (Tuesday March 9th 2021)


1.7.0 (Tuesday May 26th 2020)


1.6.7 (Friday October 4th 2019)


  • Minor GTK3 compatibility fixes.

1.6.6 (Wednesday September 18th 2019)


  • fsleyes-props is no longer tested against Python 2.7-3.5, but is now tested against Python 3.6-3.8, and GTK3.

1.6.5 (Monday January 7th 2019)


  • Removed the deprecation library as a dependency.

1.6.4 (Friday October 5th 2018)


  • Development (test and documentation dependencies) are no longer listed in setup.py - they now need to be installed manually.

  • Removed conda build infrastructure.

1.6.3 (Thursday July 5th 2018)


  • Removed pytest-runner as a dependency.

1.6.2 (Tuesday June 5th 2018)



1.6.1 (Friday May 11th 2018)



  • Deprecated the PropertyOwner metaclass - property initialisation now occurs at the instance level within HasProperties.__new__().

1.6.0 (Thursday May 3rd 2018)


  • Adjustment to the widgets_choice module needed due to changes in the BitmapRadioBox API.

1.5.1 (Wednesday March 7th 2018)


  • Adjustments to the conda package build and deployment process.

1.5.0 (Tuesday February 27th 2018)

  • A new class, the PropCache, has been added. This class will automatically cache property values based on changes to other property values.

  • Small adjustments to layout of Group classes in the build module.

1.4.0 (Monday January 8th 2018)

  • The ColourMap widget no longer complains when its property is set to a colour map that is registered with matplotlib, but not with the property. The error message when an unknown colour map is specified has also been improved.

  • The cli._Choice() function allows additional arguments to be passed through to the ArgumentParser.add_argument method.

1.3.1 (Wednesday January 3rd 2018)

1.3.0 (Wednesday January 3rd 2018)

  • The SyncableHasProperties raises a custom error type, instead of a RuntimeError, when an illegal attempt is made to synchronise or unsynchronise a property.

1.2.5 (Wednesday December 6th 2017)

  • Fixed a problem with the API documentation build failing again.

  • Unit tests are now run against wxPython

1.2.4 (Thursday November 9th 2017)

  • Fixed use of deprecated fsl.utils.async module from the fslpy library.

1.2.3 (Thursday October 26th 2017)

  • Fixed a problem with the API documentation build failing.

1.2.2 (Saturday October 21st 2017)

  • cli custom transform functions can now raise a SkipArgument exception to indicate that the argument shouid be skipped, either when applying or generating arguments.

1.2.1 (Thursday September 21st 2017)

1.2.0 (Monday September 11th 2017)

1.1.2 (Friday August 25th 2017)

1.1.1 (Thursday August 24th 2017)

1.1.0 (Wednesday August 23rd 2017)

  • HasProperties.__init__() now accepts kwargs which allow initial property values to be set.

  • SyncableHasProperties has new/renamed methods detachFromParent and detachAllFromParent, allowing individual properties to be permanently un-synchronised.

  • Bugfix to PropertyValueList.getLast

  • suppress.skip() function has option to ignore non-existent/deleted listeners.

  • Fix to PropertyValueList item notification.

1.0.4 (Thursday August 10th 2017)

  • New function makeListWidget(), which creates a widget for a specific item in a property value list.

1.0.3 (Friday July 14th 2017)

1.0.2 (Thursday June 8th 2017)

  • Added CI build script

  • Fixed some unit tests.

1.0.1 (Sunday June 4th 2017)

  • Adjustments to pypi package metadata.

1.0.0 (Saturday May 27th 2017)

  • props renamed to fsleyes_props

  • pwidgets removed (moved to separate project fsleyes-widgets)

  • Removed WeakFunctionRef - this is now defined in the fslpy project.

  • Removed Bounds centering logic

  • Adjusted CallQueue interface to allow arbitrary arguments to be passed through to queued functions.

0.10.1 (Thursday April 20th 2017)

  • First public release as part of FSL 5.0.10