
This module provides functions to generate Generate wx GUI widgets which allow the user to edit the properties of a HasProperties instance.

Most of the functions in this module are not intended to be called directly - they are used by the build module. However, a few functions defined here are made available at the fsleyes_props namespace level, and are intended to be called by application code:


Given hasProps (a HasProperties instance), propName (the name of a property of hasProps), and parent, a GUI object, creates and returns a widget, or a panel containing widgets, which may be used to edit the property value.


Creeates a widget for a specific value in the specified list property.


Creates a widget for every value in the given list property.


Creates a button which controls synchronisation of the specified property on the given hasProps instance, with the corresponding property on its parent.


Binds the given widget to the specified property.


Unbinds the given widget from the specified property, assumed to have been previously bound via the bindWidget() function.

The other functions defined in this module are used by the build module, which generates a GUI from a view specification. The following functions are available:


Creates and returns a panel containing a wx.TextCtrl and a wx.Button.


Creates and returns a wx.TextCtrl object, allowing the user to edit the given propVal (managed by a String instance).


Creates and returns a widget allowing the user to edit the given Real property value.


Creates and returns a widget allowing the user to edit the given Int property value.


Creates and returns a widget allowing the user to edit the given Percentage property value.


Creates and returns a ColourButton widget, allowing the user to modify the given Colour property value.


Creates and returns a combobox, allowing the user to change the value of the given ColourMap property value.


Creates a 'link' button which toggles synchronisation between the property on the given hasProps instance, and its parent.

Widgets for some other property types are implemented in separate modules, purely to keep module file sizes down:



Creates and returns a panel containing sliders/spinboxes which allow the user to edit the low/high values along each dimension of the given Bounds property value.


Creates and returns a SliderSpinPanel allowing the user to edit the low/high values along each dimension of the given Point property value.


Creates and returns a widget allowing the user to modify the given Choice property value.


Creates and returns a wx.CheckBox, allowing the user to set the given Boolean property value.


Creates and returns a widget allowing the user to edit the given Number property value.


The widgets_list module has not been looked at in a while, and is probably broken.

While all of these functions have a standardised signature, some of them (e.g. the _Colour function) accept extra arguments which provide some level of customisation. You can provide these arguments indirectly in the ViewItem specification for a specific property. For example:

import fsleyes_props as props

class MyObj(props.HasProperties):
    myColour     = props.Colour()
    myBoolean    = props.Boolean()

view = props.VGroup((

    # Give the colour button a size of 32 * 32
    props.Widget('myColour',  size=(32, 32)),

    # Use a toggle button for the boolean property,
    # using 'boolean.png' as the button icon
    props.Widget('myBoolean', icon='boolean.png') ))

myobj = MyObj()

dlg = props.buildDialog(None, myobj, view=view)

fsleyes_props.widgets.makeSyncWidget(parent, hasProps, propName, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a button which controls synchronisation of the specified property on the given hasProps instance, with the corresponding property on its parent.

See the makeWidget() function for a description of the arguments.

fsleyes_props.widgets.makeWidget(parent, hasProps, propName, **kwargs)[source]

Given hasProps (a HasProperties instance), propName (the name of a property of hasProps), and parent, a GUI object, creates and returns a widget, or a panel containing widgets, which may be used to edit the property value.

  • parent – A wx object to be used as the parent for the generated widget(s).

  • hasProps – A HasProperties instance.

  • propName (str) – Name of the PropertyBase property to generate a widget for.

  • kwargs – Type specific arguments.

fsleyes_props.widgets.makeListWidget(parent, hasProps, propName, index, **kwargs)[source]

Creeates a widget for a specific value in the specified list property.

fsleyes_props.widgets.makeListWidgets(parent, hasProps, propName, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a widget for every value in the given list property.

fsleyes_props.widgets.bindWidget(widget, hasProps, propName, evTypes, widgetGet=None, widgetSet=None)[source]

Binds the given widget to the specified property. See the _propBind() method for details of the arguments.

fsleyes_props.widgets.bindListWidgets(widgets, hasProps, propName, evTypes, widgetSets=None, widgetGets=None)[source]

Binds the given sequence of widgets to each of the values in the specified list property.

fsleyes_props.widgets.unbindWidget(widget, hasProps, propName, evTypes)[source]

Unbinds the given widget from the specified property, assumed to have been previously bound via the bindWidget() function.