#!/usr/bin/env python
# serialise.py - Functions for serialising/deserialising property values.
# Author: Paul McCarthy <pauldmccarthy@gmail.com>
"""This module provides functions for serialising and deserialising the values
of most ``fsleyes_props`` property types (which are defined in
This module only contains logic for those property types that the default
python conversion routines would not be able to handle. For example, an
:class:`.Int` property value can be serialised with ``str``, and deserialised
with ``int``. Such logic is already built into the ``Int`` class, so there
is no need for this module to duplicate it.
An example of where specific serialisation/deserialisation logic is useful is
the :class:`.Boolean` property. Passing a boolean value,``True`` or ``False``
to the ``str`` function will result in a string ``'True'`` or
``'False'``. However, passing a string ``'True'`` or ``'False'`` to the
``bool`` function will result in ``True`` in both cases.
The logic needed to safely serialise/deserialise :class:`.Boolean` values, and
other property types for which it is needed, is provided by this module.
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"""Delimiter string used to join multi-valued properties. """
def serialise(hasProps, propName):
"""Get the value of the named property from the given
:class:`.HasProperties` instance, serialise it, and return the
serialised string.
propObj = hasProps.getProp(propName)
val = getattr(hasProps, propName)
propType = type(propObj).__name__
sfunc = getattr(sys.modules[__name__],
def defaultSfunc(s, *a):
return str(s)
if sfunc is None:
sfunc = defaultSfunc
sval = sfunc(val, hasProps, propObj)
log.debug('Serialised {}.{}: {} -> "{}"'.format(
type(hasProps).__name__, propName, val, sval))
return sval
def deserialise(hasProps, propName, string):
"""Deserialise the given string, under the assumption that it is a
serialised value of the named property from the given
:class:`.HasProperties` instance.
propObj = hasProps.getProp(propName)
propType = type(propObj).__name__
dfunc = getattr(sys.modules[__name__],
def defaultDfunc(s, *a):
return s
if dfunc is None:
dfunc = defaultDfunc
dval = dfunc(string, hasProps, propObj)
log.debug('Deserialised {}.{}: "{}" -> {}'.format(
type(hasProps).__name__, propName, string, dval))
return dval
# The type specific conversions are performed by the
# functions below. They must accept the following
# arguments:
# - The value to be serialised/deserialised
# - The HasProperties instance
# - The PropertyBase instance
def _serialise_Boolean(value, *a):
return str(value)
def _deserialise_Boolean(value, *a):
# Special case - a string containig 'false'
# (case insensitive) evaluates to False.
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.lower()
if value == 'false':
value = ''
# For anything else, we
# rely on default conversion.
return bool(value)
def _serialise_Choice(value, *a):
return str(value)
def _deserialise_Choice(value, hasProps, propObj):
choices = propObj.getChoices(hasProps)
# This is a bit hacky - Choice properties can store
# any type, so we can't figure out precisely how
# to serialise/deserialise those types. So we check
# to see if all the choices are numeric and, if not,
# fall back to using str for deserialisation.
if all([isinstance(c, float) for c in choices]): cType = float
elif any([isinstance(c, float) for c in choices]): cType = float
elif all([isinstance(c, int) for c in choices]): cType = int
else: cType = str
return cType(value)
def _serialise_Colour(value, *a):
# Colour values should be in the range [0, 1]
r, g, b, a = [int(v * 255) for v in value]
hexstr = '#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(r, g, b, a)
return hexstr
def _deserialise_Colour(value, *a):
r = value[1:3]
g = value[3:5]
b = value[5:7]
a = value[7:9]
r, g, b, a = [int(v, base=16) for v in (r, g, b, a)]
r, g, b, a = [v / 255.0 for v in (r, g, b, a)]
return [r, g, b, a]
def _serialise_ColourMap(value, *a):
return value.name
def _deserialise_ColourMap(value, *a):
import matplotlib as mpl
return mpl.colormaps[value]
def _serialise_Bounds(value, *a):
value = map(str, value)
return DELIMITER.join(value)
def _deserialise_Bounds(value, *a):
value = value.split(DELIMITER)
return map(float, value)
def _serialise_Point(value, *a):
value = map(str, value)
return DELIMITER.join(value)
def _deserialise_Point(value, *a):
value = value.split(DELIMITER)
return map(float, value)
def _serialise_Array(value, *a):
ndim = str(value.ndim)
shape = [str(s) for s in value.shape]
value = [str(v) for v in value.flat[:]]
return DELIMITER.join([ndim] + shape + value)
def _deserialise_Array(value, *a):
value = value.split(DELIMITER)
ndim = int(value[0])
shape = [int( v) for v in value[1:ndim + 1]]
value = [float(v) for v in value[ ndim + 1:]]
return np.array(value).reshape(shape)