
This module provides the Notifier class, intended to be used as a mixin for providing a simple notification API.

fsl.utils.notifier.DEFAULT_TOPIC = 'default'

Topic used when the caller does not specify one when registering, deregistering, or notifying listeners.

exception fsl.utils.notifier.Registered[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception raised by Notifier.register() when an attempt is made to register a listener with a name that is already registered.

__module__ = 'fsl.utils.notifier'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class fsl.utils.notifier._Listener(name, callback, topic, runOnIdle)[source]

Bases: object

This class is used internally by the Notifier class to store references to callback functions.

__init__(name, callback, topic, runOnIdle)[source]
property callback

Returns the callback function, or None if it has been garbage-collected.

property expectsArguments

Returns True if the listener function needs to be passed arguments, False otherwise. Listener functions can be defined to accept either zero arguments, or a set of positional arguments - see Notifier.register() for details.


Return str(self).


Return repr(self).

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'fsl.utils.notifier', '__doc__': 'This class is used internally by the :class:`.Notifier` class to\n    store references to callback functions.\n    ', '__init__': <function _Listener.__init__>, 'callback': <property object>, 'expectsArguments': <property object>, '__str__': <function _Listener.__str__>, '__repr__': <function _Listener.__repr__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of '_Listener' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of '_Listener' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__module__ = 'fsl.utils.notifier'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class fsl.utils.notifier.Notifier(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The Notifier class is a mixin which provides simple notification capability. Listeners can be registered/deregistered to listen via the register() and deregister() methods, and notified via the notify() method. Listeners can optionally listen on a specific topic, or be notified for all topics.


The Notifier class stores weakref references to registered callback functions, using the WeakFunctionRef class.

static __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Initialises a dictionary of listeners on a new Notifier instance.

register(name, callback, topic=None, runOnIdle=False)[source]

Register a listener with this Notifier.

  • name – A unique name for the listener.

  • callback

    The function to call - must accept either zero arguments, or three positional arguments:

    • this Notifier instance.

    • The topic, which may be None - see notify().

    • A value, which may be None - see notify().

  • topic – Optional topic on which to listen for notifications.

  • runOnIdle – If True, this listener will be called on the main thread, via the idle.idle() function. Otherwise this function will be called directly by the notify() method. Defaults to False.


A Registered error if a listener with the given name is already registered on the given topic.

deregister(name, topic=None)[source]

De-register a listener that has been previously registered with this Notifier.

  • name – Name of the listener to de-register.

  • topic – Topic on which the listener was registered.

enable(name, topic=None, enable=True)[source]

Enables the specified listener.

disable(name, topic=None)[source]

Disables the specified listener.

isEnabled(name, topic=None)[source]

Returns True if the specified listener is enabled, False otherwise.

enableAll(topic=None, state=True)[source]

Enable/disable all listeners for the specified topic.

  • topic – Topic to enable/disable listeners on. If None, all listeners are enabled/disabled.

  • state – State to set listeners to.


Disable all listeners for the specified topic (or None to disable all listeners).


Returns True if all listeners for the specified topic (or all listeners if topic=None) are enabled, False otherwise.


Context manager which disables all listeners for the specified topic, and restores their state before returning.


topic – Topic to skip listeners on. If None, notification is disabled for all topics.

skip(name, topic=None)[source]

Context manager which disables the speciifed listener, and restores its state before returning.

You can use this method if you have some code which triggers a notification, but you do not your own listener to be notified. For example:

def __myListener(*a):

notifier.register('myListener', __myListener)

with notifier.skip('myListener'):
    # if a notification is triggered
    # by the code here, the __myListener
    # function will not be called.
  • name – Name of the listener to skip

  • topic – Topic or topics that the listener is registered on.

notify(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Notify all registered listeners of this Notifier.

The documented arguments must be passed as keyword arguments.

  • topic – The topic on which to notify. Default listeners are always notified, regardless of the specified topic.

  • value – A value passed through to the registered listener functions. If not provided, listeners will be passed a value of None.

All other arguments passed to this method are ignored.


Listeners registered with runOnIdle=True are called via idle.idle(). Other listeners are called directly. See register().


Called by notify(). Returns all listeners which should be notified for the specified topic.

__annotations__ = {}
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'fsl.utils.notifier', '__doc__': 'The ``Notifier`` class is a mixin which provides simple notification\n    capability. Listeners can be registered/deregistered to listen via the\n    :meth:`register` and :meth:`deregister` methods, and notified via the\n    :meth:`notify` method. Listeners can optionally listen on a specific\n    *topic*, or be notified for all topics.\n\n    .. note:: The ``Notifier`` class stores ``weakref`` references to\n              registered callback functions, using the\n              :class:`.WeakFunctionRef` class.\n    ', '__new__': <staticmethod(<function Notifier.__new__>)>, 'register': <function Notifier.register>, 'deregister': <function Notifier.deregister>, 'enable': <function Notifier.enable>, 'disable': <function Notifier.disable>, 'isEnabled': <function Notifier.isEnabled>, 'enableAll': <function Notifier.enableAll>, 'disableAll': <function Notifier.disableAll>, 'isAllEnabled': <function Notifier.isAllEnabled>, 'skipAll': <function Notifier.skipAll>, 'skip': <function Notifier.skip>, 'notify': <function Notifier.notify>, '_Notifier__getListeners': <function Notifier.__getListeners>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Notifier' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Notifier' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__module__ = 'fsl.utils.notifier'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)