This module provides the Cache
class., a simple in-memory cache.
- exception fsl.utils.cache.Expired[source]
raised by theCache.get()
metho when an attempt is made to access a cache item that has expired.- __module__ = 'fsl.utils.cache'
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- class fsl.utils.cache.CacheItem(key, value, expiry=0)[source]
Internal container class used to store
items.- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'fsl.utils.cache', '__doc__': 'Internal container class used to store :class:`Cache` items. ', '__init__': <function CacheItem.__init__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'CacheItem' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'CacheItem' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __module__ = 'fsl.utils.cache'
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- class fsl.utils.cache.Cache(maxsize=100, lru=False)[source]
is a simple in-memory cache built on acollections.OrderedDict
. TheCache
class has the following features:When an item is added to a full cache, the oldest entry is automatically dropped.
Expiration times can be specified for individual items. If a request is made to access an expired item, an
exception is raised.
- __init__(maxsize=100, lru=False)[source]
Create a
.- Parameters:
maxsize – Maximum number of items allowed in the
before it starts dropping old itemslru – (least recently used) If
(the default), items are dropped according to their insertion time. Otherwise, items are dropped according to their most recent access time.
- put(key, value, expiry=0)[source]
Put an item in the cache.
- Parameters:
key – Item identifier (must be hashable).
value – The item to store.
expiry – Expiry time in seconds. An item with an expiry time of
will not expire.
- get(key, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Get an item from the cache.
- Parameters:
key – Item identifier.
default – Default value to return if the item is not in the cache, or has expired.
- __contains__(key)[source]
Check whether an item is in the cache. Note that the item may be in the cache, but it may be expired.
- __parseDefault(*args, **kwargs)
Used by the
method. Parses thedefault
argument, which may be specified as either a positional or keyword argumnet.- Returns:
A tuple containing two values:
if a default argument was specified,False
otherwise.The specified default value, or
if it wasn’t specified.
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'fsl.utils.cache', '__doc__': 'The ``Cache`` is a simple in-memory cache built on a\n ``collections.OrderedDict``. The ``Cache`` class has the following\n features:\n\n - When an item is added to a full cache, the oldest entry is\n automatically dropped.\n\n - Expiration times can be specified for individual items. If a request\n is made to access an expired item, an :class:`Expired` exception is\n raised.\n ', '__init__': <function Cache.__init__>, 'put': <function Cache.put>, 'get': <function Cache.get>, 'clear': <function Cache.clear>, '__len__': <function Cache.__len__>, '__getitem__': <function Cache.__getitem__>, '__setitem__': <function Cache.__setitem__>, '__contains__': <function Cache.__contains__>, 'keys': <function Cache.keys>, 'values': <function Cache.values>, 'items': <function Cache.items>, '_Cache__parseDefault': <function Cache.__parseDefault>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Cache' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Cache' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __module__ = 'fsl.utils.cache'
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)