Source code for fsleyes_props.trace

#!/usr/bin/env python
# - debugging functions
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""This module provides some useful logging/debugging functions.

.. warning:: This module is not intended for general use - it is solely for
             development/debugging purposes. Do not use it unless you know
             know what you are doing.

.. warning:: When this module is imported, it monkey patches the
             :class:`.CallQueue` class in a devious and dangerous manner to
             allow for more informative debug statements.  Therefore it's a
             bad idea to even import this module, unless you really know what
             you are doing.

.. warning:: Just don't import this module, ok?

The functions provided by this module are as follows:

.. autosummary::

import            logging
import            inspect
import os.path as op

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# If trace debugging is enabled, we're going to
# do some funky stuff to the props callqueue
# object, so we can get some extra information
# in the propchange function.
if log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:

    log.debug('Monkey-patching fsleyes_props.properties_value.queue instance')

    import fsleyes_props as props

    import queue

    # The problem that I am addressing here is the
    # fact that, when a property value listener is
    # called, the cause of the call (i.e. the point
    # at which the property value was changed) does
    # not necessarily exist in the stack. This is
    # because when a PV instance passes all of its
    # listeners to the CallQueue (CQ) to call, the
    # CQ will queue them immediately, but will not
    # necessarily call them - they are only called
    # if the CQ is not already processing the
    # listeners from another PV change.

    # A single CallQueue instance is shared
    # by all PropertyValue instances to queue/
    # call property value listeners.
    theQ = props.properties_value.PropertyValue.queue

    def tracePop(*args, **kwargs):

        # When the CallQueue calls its _pop
        # method, it will call the returned
        # function. For debugging purposes,
        # we'll pop the associated cause
        # (enqueued in the tracePush function
        # below), so the propchange function
        # can print it out.
        # This will throw Queue.EmptyError if
        # the _causes queue is empty, but
        # that is what the real _pop method
        # does anyway.
        try:    theQ._currentCause = theQ._causes.get_nowait()
        except: theQ._currentCause = None

        return theQ._realPop(*args, **kwargs)

    def tracePush(*args, **kwargs):

        pushed = theQ._realPush(*args, **kwargs)

        # If the real _push method returns False,
        # it means that the function was not enqueued
        if not pushed:
            return False

        frames = inspect.stack()[1:]

        # We search for the first frame in the stack
        # which is not in the props package  - this
        # will be the point of the PV change which
        # caused this listener to be enqueued
        triggerFrame = None
        for frame in frames:
            if 'fsleyes_props' not in frame[1]:
                triggerFrame = frame

        # This should never happen,
        # but in case it does, we
        # put a dummy value into
        # the causes queue, so it
        # is the same length as the
        # reall call queue
        if triggerFrame is None:

        # Store the cause of the listener
        # push on the causes queue

            cause = [triggerFrame[1],
            if triggerFrame[4] is not None:

        return True

    # Patch the CallQueue instance with
    # our push/pop implementations
    theQ._causes          = queue.Queue()
    theQ._realPush        = theQ._CallQueue__push
    theQ._realPop         = theQ._CallQueue__pop
    theQ._CallQueue__push = tracePush
    theQ._CallQueue__pop  = tracePop

[docs] def trace(desc): """Outputs a log message containing the given description and the current stack trace. """ if log.getEffectiveLevel() != logging.DEBUG: return stack = inspect.stack()[1:] lines = '{}\n'.format(desc) for i, frame in enumerate(stack): srcMod = frame[1] srcLineNo = frame[2] if frame[4] is not None: srcLine = frame[4][frame[5]] else: srcLine = '<native>' lines = lines + '{}{}:{}: {}\n'.format( ' ' * (i + 1), srcMod, srcLineNo, srcLine.strip()) log.debug(lines) return lines
[docs] def propchange(*args): """Intended to be called from a :class:`.PropertyValue` listener function. If this function is called due to a change, attempts to determine the line of code which triggered the change. Prints some informative log messages. :arg args: The arguments that were passed to the listener function. """ if log.getEffectiveLevel() != logging.DEBUG: return import fsleyes_props as props theQ = props.properties_value.PropertyValue.queue stack = inspect.stack() listenerFile = stack[1][1] listenerLine = stack[1][2] listenerFunc = stack[1][3] triggerFile = None if len(args) != 4: triggerFile = stack[2][1] triggerLine = stack[2][2] triggerFunc = stack[2][3] triggerSrc = stack[2][4][stack[2][5]] else: triggerFile = theQ._currentCause[0] triggerLine = theQ._currentCause[1] triggerFunc = theQ._currentCause[2] triggerSrc = theQ._currentCause[3] if triggerFile is None: log.debug('Listener {} ({}:{}) was called ' 'due to an unknown process'.format( listenerFunc, op.basename(listenerFile), listenerLine)) else: if len(args) != 4: reason = 'manually called from' else: value, valid, ctx, name = args reason = 'called due to a value change of {}.{} ({}) at'.format( type(ctx).__name__, name, value) log.debug('Listener {} ({}:{}) was {} ' '{} ({}:{}:{})'.format( listenerFunc, op.basename(listenerFile), listenerLine, reason, triggerFunc, op.basename(triggerFile), triggerLine, triggerSrc.strip()))
[docs] def setcause(desc): """I can't quite remember the difference betwen this function and the :func:`propchange` function. """ if log.getEffectiveLevel() != logging.DEBUG: return stack = inspect.stack()[1:] causeFrame = None ultCauseFrame = None for i, frame in enumerate(stack): if 'fsleyes_props' not in frame[1]: causeFrame = frame break if causeFrame is not None: for i, frame in reversed(list(enumerate(stack))): if 'fsleyes_props' in frame[1]: ultCauseFrame = stack[i + 1] break if causeFrame is None: log.debug('{}: Unknown cause'.format(desc)) else: causeFile = causeFrame[1] causeLine = causeFrame[2] causeFunc = causeFrame[3] causeSrc = causeFrame[4][causeFrame[5]] line = '{}: Caused by {} ({}:{}:{})'.format( desc, causeFunc, op.basename(causeFile), causeLine, causeSrc.strip()) if ultCauseFrame is not None: causeFile = ultCauseFrame[1] causeLine = ultCauseFrame[2] causeFunc = ultCauseFrame[3] causeSrc = ultCauseFrame[4][ultCauseFrame[5]] line = '{} (ultimately caused by {} ({}:{}:{})'.format( line, causeFunc, op.basename(causeFile), causeLine, causeSrc.strip()) log.debug(line)