Source code for fsleyes_props.syncable

#!/usr/bin/env python
# - An extension to the HasProperties class which allows
# a master-slave relationship to exist between instances.
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""This module provides the :class:`SyncableHasProperties` class, an extension
to the :class:`.HasProperties` class which allows a parent-child relationship
to exist between instances. A one-to-many synchronisation relationship is
possible between one parent, and many children. Property values are
synchronised between a parent and its children, using the functionality
provided by the :mod:`bindable` module.

All that is needed to make use of this functionality is to extend the
``SyncableHasProperties`` class instead of the ``HasProperties`` class::

    >>> import fsleyes_props as props

    >>> class MyObj(props.SyncableHasProperties):
            myint = props.Int()
            def __init__(self, parent=None):
                props.SyncableHasProperties.__init__(self, parent=parent)

Given a class definition such as the above, a parent-child relationship
between two instances can be set up as follows::

    >>> myParent = MyObj()
    >>> myChild  = MyObj(myParent)

The ``myint`` properties of both instances are now bound to each other - when
it changes in one instance, that change is propagated to the other instance::

    >>> def parentPropChanged(*a):
            print('myParent.myint changed: {}'.format(myParent.myint))
    >>> def childPropChanged(*a):
            print('myChild.myint changed: {}'.format(myChild.myint))

    >>> myParent.addListener('myint', 'parentPropChanged', parentPropChanged)
    >>> myChild.addListener( 'myint', 'childPropChanged',  childPropChanged)

    >>> myParent.myint = 12345
    myParent.myint changed: 12345
    myChild.myint changed: 12345

    >>> myChild.myint = 54321
    myParent.myint changed: 54321
    myChild.myint changed: 54321

This synchronisation can be toggled on the child instance, via the
:meth:`unsyncFromParent` and :meth:`syncToParent` methods of the
:class:`SyncableHasProperties` class.  Listeners to sync state changes may
be registered on the child instance via the :meth:`addSyncChangeListener`
method (and de-registered via the :meth:`removeSyncChangeListener` method).

import weakref
import logging

from . import properties       as props
from . import properties_types as types

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_SYNC_SALT_ = '_sync_'
"""Constant string added to sync-related property names and listeners."""

[docs] class SyncError(Exception): """Exception type raised when an illegal attempt is made to synchronise or unsynchronise a property. See the ``nobind`` and ``nounbind`` parameters to :meth:`SyncableHasProperties.__init__`. """ pass
[docs] class SyncableHasProperties(props.HasProperties): """An extension to the ``HasProperties`` class which supports parent-child relationships between instances. """ @classmethod def __saltSyncPropertyName(cls, propName): """Adds a prefix to the given property name, to be used as the name for the corresponding boolean sync property. """ return '{}{}'.format(_SYNC_SALT_, propName) @classmethod def __unsaltSyncPropertyName(cls, propName): """Removes a prefix from the given property name, which was added by the :meth:`_saltSyncPropertyName` method. """ return propName[len(_SYNC_SALT_):]
[docs] @classmethod def getSyncPropertyName(cls, propName): """Returns the name of the boolean property which can be used to toggle binding of the given property to the parent property of this instance. """ return cls.__saltSyncPropertyName(propName)
[docs] @classmethod def getSyncProperty(cls, propName): """Returns the :class:`.PropertyBase` instance of the boolean property which can be used to toggle binding of the given property to the parent property of this instance. """ return cls.getProp(cls.getSyncPropertyName(propName))
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create a ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance. If this ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance does not have a parent, there is no need to call this constructor explicitly. Otherwise, the parent must be an instance of the same class to which this instance's properties should be bound. :arg parent: Another ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance, which has the same type as this instance. :arg nobind: A sequence of property names which should not be bound with the parent. :arg nounbind: A sequence of property names which cannot be unbound from the parent. :arg state: Initial synchronised state. Can be either ``True`` or ``False``, in which case all properties will initially be either synced or unsynced. Or can be a dictionary of ``{propName : boolean}`` mappings, defining the sync state for each property. :arg direction: Initial binding direction. Not applicable if this instance does not have a parent. If ``True``, when a property is bound to the parent, this instance will inherit the parent's value. Otherwise, when a property is bound, the parent will inherit this instance's value. :arg kwargs: All other arguments are passed to the :meth:`.HasProperties.__init__` method. """ parent = kwargs.pop('parent', None) nobind = kwargs.pop('nobind', []) nounbind = kwargs.pop('nounbind', []) state = kwargs.pop('state', True) direction = kwargs.pop('direction', True) props.HasProperties.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.__nobind = list(set(nobind)) self.__nounbind = list(set(nounbind)) # If parent is none, then this instance # is a 'parent' instance, and doesn't need # to worry about being bound. So we've got # nothing to do. if parent is None: # This array maintains a list of # all the children synced to this # parent self.__children = [] self.__parent = None return # Otherwise, this instance is a 'child' # instance - make sure the parent is # valid (of the same type) if not isinstance(parent, self.__class__): raise TypeError('parent is of a different type ' '({} != {})'.format(parent.__class__, self.__class__)) # Set up a binding between this # instance and its parent self.__parent = weakref.ref(parent) parent.__children.append(weakref.ref(self)) # This dictionary contains # # { propName : boolean } # # mappings, indicating the binding # direction that should be used # when a property is synchronised # to the parent. A value of True # implies a parent -> child binding # direction (i.e. the child will # inherit the value of the parent), # and a value of False implies a # child -> parent binding direction. self.__bindDirections = {} log.debug('Binding properties of {} ({}) to parent ({})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, id(self), id(parent))) # Get a list of all the # properties of this class propNames, _ = self.getAllProperties() for pn in propNames: # Add a boolean sync property # for this regular property. bindProp = types.Boolean(default=True) saltpn = self.__saltSyncPropertyName(pn) # the sync property may have already # been added by a previous instance, # so only add it if needed. See the # HP.addProperty method. if not hasattr(self, saltpn): self.addProperty(saltpn, bindProp) # Initialise the binding direction # and initial state self.__bindDirections[pn] = direction if isinstance(state, dict): pState = state.get(pn, True) else: pState = state if not self.canBeSyncedToParent( pn): pState = False elif not self.canBeUnsyncedFromParent(pn): pState = True self.__initSyncProperty(pn, pState)
[docs] def getParent(self): """Returns the parent of this instance, or ``None`` if there is no parent. On child ``SyncableHasProperties`` instances, this method must not be called before :meth:`__init__` has been called. If this happens, an :exc:`AttributeError` will be raised. """ if self.__parent is None: return None else: return self.__parent()
[docs] def getChildren(self): """Returns a list of all children that are synced to this parent instance, or ``None`` if this instance is not a parent. """ if self.__parent is not None: return None children = [c() for c in self.__children] children = [c for c in children if c is not None] return children
def __saltSyncListenerName(self, propName): """Adds a prefix and a suffix to the given property name, to be used as the name for an internal listener on the corresponding boolean sync property. """ return '{}{}_{}'.format(_SYNC_SALT_, propName, id(self)) def __initSyncProperty(self, propName, initState): """Called by child instances from :meth:`__init__`. Configures a binding between this instance and its parent for the specified property. """ bindPropName = self.__saltSyncPropertyName(propName) bindPropObj = self.getProp(bindPropName) bindPropVal = bindPropObj.getPropVal(self) direction = self.__bindDirections[propName] if initState and not self.canBeSyncedToParent(propName): raise ValueError('Invalid initial state for ' 'nobind property {}'.format(propName)) if (not initState) and (not self.canBeUnsyncedFromParent(propName)): raise ValueError('Invalid initial state for ' 'nounbindproperty {}'.format(propName)) if not self.canBeSyncedToParent(propName): bindPropVal.set(False) return bindPropVal.set(initState) if self.canBeUnsyncedFromParent(propName): bindPropVal.addListener(self.__saltSyncListenerName(propName), self.__syncPropChanged, immediate=True) if initState: if direction: slave, master = self, self.__parent() else: slave, master = self.__parent(), self slave.bindProps(propName, master) def __syncPropChanged(self, value, valid, ctx, bindPropName): """Called when a hidden boolean property controlling the sync state of the specified real property changes. Calls :meth:`__changeSyncState` """ propName = self.__unsaltSyncPropertyName(bindPropName) bindPropVal = getattr(self, bindPropName) log.debug('Sync property changed for {} - ' 'changing binding state'.format(propName)) self.__changeSyncState(propName, bindPropVal) def __changeSyncState(self, propName, sync): """Changes the sync state of ``propName``to ``sync``. """ bindPropName = self.__saltSyncPropertyName(propName) bindPropVal = getattr(self, bindPropName) direction = self.__bindDirections[propName] if bindPropVal and (propName in self.__nobind): raise SyncError('{} cannot be bound to ' 'parent'.format(propName)) if (not bindPropVal) and (propName in self.__nounbind): raise SyncError('{} cannot be unbound from ' 'parent'.format(propName)) parent = self.__parent() # parent may have already been GC'd if parent is not None: if direction: slave, master = self, parent else: slave, master = parent, self slave.bindProps(propName, master, unbind=(not bindPropVal))
[docs] def getBindingDirection(self, propName): """Returns the current binding direction for the given property. See the :meth:`setBindingDirection` method. """ return self.__bindDirections[propName]
[docs] def setBindingDirection(self, direction, propName=None): """Set the current binding direction for the named property. If the direction is ``True``, when this property is bound, this instance will inherit the parent's value. Otherwise, when this property is bound, the parent will inherit the value from this instance. If a property is not specified, the binding direction of all properties will be changed. """ if propName is None: propNames = self.__bindDirections.keys() else: propNames = [propName] for pn in propNames: self.__bindDirections[pn] = direction
[docs] def syncToParent(self, propName): """Synchronise the given property with the parent instance. If this ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance has no parent, a :exc:`RuntimeError` is raised. If the specified property is in the ``nobind`` list (see :meth:`__init__`), a :exc:`SyncError` is raised. ..note:: The ``nobind`` check can be avoided by calling :func:`.bindable.bindProps` directly. But don't do that. """ if propName in self.__nobind: raise SyncError('{} cannot be bound to ' 'parent'.format(propName)) bindPropName = self.__saltSyncPropertyName(propName) if getattr(self, bindPropName): return setattr(self, bindPropName, True)
[docs] def unsyncFromParent(self, propName): """Unsynchronise the given property from the parent instance. If this :class:`SyncableHasProperties` instance has no parent, a :exc:`RuntimeError` is raised. If the specified property is in the `nounbind` list (see :meth:`__init__`), a :exc:`SyncError` is raised. ..note:: The ``nounbind`` check can be avoided by calling :func:`bindable.bindProps` directly. But don't do that. """ if propName in self.__nounbind: raise SyncError('{} cannot be unbound from ' 'parent'.format(propName)) bindPropName = self.__saltSyncPropertyName(propName) if not getattr(self, bindPropName): return setattr(self, bindPropName, False)
[docs] def syncAllToParent(self): """Synchronises all properties to the parent instance. Does not attempt to synchronise properties in the ``nobind`` list. """ propNames = self.getAllProperties()[0] for propName in propNames: if propName in self.__nounbind or \ propName in self.__nobind: continue self.syncToParent(propName)
[docs] def unsyncAllFromParent(self): """Unynchronises all properties from the parent instance. Does not attempt to synchronise properties in the ``nounbind`` list. """ propNames = self.getAllProperties()[0] for propName in propNames: if propName in self.__nounbind or \ propName in self.__nobind: continue self.unsyncFromParent(propName)
[docs] def detachFromParent(self, propName): """If this is a child ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance, it detaches the specified property from its parent. This is an irreversible operation. """ if self.__parent is None: return if propName in self.__nobind: return if propName in self.__nounbind: self.__nounbind.remove(propName) if propName not in self.__nobind: self.__nobind .append(propName) syncPropName = self.__saltSyncPropertyName(propName) lName = self.__saltSyncListenerName(propName) if self.hasListener(syncPropName, lName): self.removeListener(syncPropName, lName) if self.isSyncedToParent(propName): self.unsyncFromParent(propName) self.__changeSyncState(propName, False)
[docs] def detachAllFromParent(self): """If this is a child ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance, it detaches itself from its parent. This is an irreversible operation. TODO: Add the ability to dynamically set/clear the parent SHP instance. """ # This is a parent instance - # nothing to detach from if self.__parent is None: return parent = self.__parent() propNames = self.getAllProperties()[0] for propName in propNames: self.detachFromParent(propName) if parent is not None: for c in list(parent.__children): if c() is self: parent.__children.remove(c) self.__parent = None
[docs] def isSyncedToParent(self, propName): """Returns ``True`` if the specified property is synced to the parent of this ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance, ``False`` otherwise. """ return getattr(self, self.__saltSyncPropertyName(propName))
[docs] def anySyncedToParent(self): """Returns ``True`` if any properties are synced to the parent of this ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance, ``False`` otherwise. """ propNames = self.getAllProperties()[0] return any([self.isSyncedToParent(p) for p in propNames])
[docs] def allSyncedToParent(self): """Returns ``True`` if all properties are synced to the parent of this ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance, ``False`` otherwise. """ propNames = self.getAllProperties()[0] return all([self.isSyncedToParent(p) for p in propNames])
[docs] def canBeSyncedToParent(self, propName): """Returns ``True`` if the given property can be synced between this ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance and its parent (see the ``nobind`` parameter in :meth:`__init__`). """ return propName not in self.__nobind
[docs] def canBeUnsyncedFromParent(self, propName): """Returns ``True`` if the given property can be unsynced between this ``SyncableHasProperties`` instance and its parent (see the ``nounbind`` parameter in :meth:`__init__`). """ return propName not in self.__nounbind
[docs] def addSyncChangeListener(self, propName, listenerName, callback, overwrite=False, weak=True): """Registers the given callback function to be called when the sync state of the specified property changes. """ bindPropName = self.__saltSyncPropertyName(propName) self.addListener(bindPropName, listenerName, callback, overwrite=overwrite, weak=weak)
[docs] def removeSyncChangeListener(self, propName, listenerName): """De-registers the given listener from receiving sync state changes. """ bindPropName = self.__saltSyncPropertyName(propName) self.removeListener(bindPropName, listenerName)