#!/usr/bin/env python
# callqueue.py - A queue for calling functions sequentially.
# Author: Paul McCarthy <pauldmccarthy@gmail.com>
"""This module provides the :class:`CallQueue` class, which is used by
:class:`.PropertyValue` instances to enqueue and execute property listener
callback functions.
import logging
import queue
import fsl.utils.idle as idle
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Call:
"""A little class which is used to represent function calls that are
on the queue.
def __init__(self, func, name, args, kwargs):
self.func = func
self.name = name
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.execute = True
# The CallQueue.dequeue method sets the
# above execute attribute to False for
# calls which are to be dequeued - this
# causees the CallQueue.__call method
# to skip over the call.
class CallQueue:
"""A queue of functions to be called. Functions can be enqueued via
the :meth:`call` or :meth:`callAll` methods.
def __init__(self, skipDuplicates=False):
"""Create a ``CallQueue`` instance.
If ``skipDuplicates`` is ``True``, a function which is already on
the queue will be silently dropped if an attempt is made to add it
.. note::
The ``skipDuplicates`` test is based solely on the name of the
function. This means that the ``CallQueue`` does not support
enqueueing the same function with different arguments.
Testing for function *and* argument equality is a difficult task:
- I can't take the hash of the arguments, as I can't assume
that they are hashable (e.g. ``numpy`` arrays).
- I can't test for identity, as things which have the same
value may not have the same id (e.g. strings).
- I can't test argument equality, because in some cases the
argument may be a mutable type (e.g. a ``list``), and its
value may have changed between the time the function was
queued, and the time it is called. *And* the arguments might
be big (again, ``numpy`` arrays), so an equality test could
be expensive.
So this is quite a pickle. Something to come back to if things
are breaking because of it.
**Holding the queue**
The :meth:`hold` method temporarily stops the ``CallQueue`` from
queueing and executing functions. Any functions which are enqueued
while the queue is held are kept in a separate queue. The queue is
released via the :meth:`release` method, after which any held
functions may be accessed via the :meth:`clearHeld` method (which
also clears the internal queue of held functions). Once the queue
has been released, these held functions can be re-queued as normal
via the :meth:`call` or :meth:`callAll` methods.
# The queue is a queue of Call instances
# The queued dict contains mappings of
# {name : [List of Call instances]}
self.__queue = queue.Queue()
self.__queued = {}
self.__skipDuplicates = skipDuplicates
self.__calling = False
# Every call to hold will increment
# this count, and every call to
# release will decrement it.
self.__holding = 0
# If the queue is being held, enqueued
# functions are added to this list
self.__held = []
def dequeue(self, name):
"""If the specified function is on the queue, it is (effectively)
dequeued, and not executed.
If ``skipDuplicates`` is ``False``, and more than one function of
the same name is enqueued, they are all dequeued.
# Get all calls with the specified name
calls = self.__queued.get(name, [])
# Set each of their execute flags to
# False - the __call method will skip
# over Call instances with execute=False
for call in calls:
self.__debug(call, 'Dequeueing function', 'from queue')
call.execute = False
# Check the held queue as well
for call in self.__held:
if call.name == name:
self.__debug(call, 'Dequeueing held function', 'from queue')
call.execute = False
def call(self, func, name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Enqueues the given function, and calls all functions in the queue
(unless the call to this method was as a result another function
being called from the queue).
if self.__push(Call(func, name, args, kwargs)):
def callAll(self, funcs):
"""Enqueues all of the given functions, and calls all functions in
the queue.
(unless the call to this method was as a result another function
being called from the queue).
Assumes that the given ``funcs`` parameter is a list of
``(function, name, args, kwargs)`` tuples.
anyEnqueued = False
for func in funcs:
if self.__push(Call(*func)):
anyEnqueued = True
if anyEnqueued:
def hold(self):
"""Holds the queue. For every call to ``hold``, the :meth:`release`
method must be called once before the queue will be truly released.
self.__holding += 1
def release(self):
"""Releases the queue. """
self.__holding -= 1
def clearHeld(self):
"""Clears and returns the list of held functions. """
if self.__holding > 0:
return []
held = self.__held
self.__held = []
return [(c.func, c.name, c.args, c.kwargs) for c in held if c.execute]
def __call(self):
"""Call all of the functions which are currently enqueued.
This method is not re-entrant - if a call to one of the
functions in the queue triggers another call to this method,
this second call will return immediately without doing anything.
if self.__calling: return
self.__calling = True
while True:
call = self.__pop()
if not call.execute:
self.__debug(call, 'Skipping dequeued function')
self.__debug(call, 'Calling function')
call.func(*call.args, **call.kwargs)
except Exception as e:
import traceback
log.warning('Function {} raised exception: {}'.format(
call.name, e), exc_info=True)
except queue.Empty:
self.__calling = False
def __push(self, call):
"""Enqueues the given ``Call`` instance.
If the queue has been held (see :meth:`hold`), the call is
stored, and ``False`` is returned.
If ``True`` was passed in for the ``skipDuplicates`` parameter
during initialisation, and the function is already enqueued,
it is not added to the queue, and this method returns ``False``.
Otherwise, this method returnes ``True``.
enqueued = self.__queued.get(call.name, [])
if self.__holding > 0:
self.__debug(call, 'Holding function')
return False
# Skip this function if there are already
# functions in the queue with the same name
if self.__skipDuplicates and (len(enqueued) > 0):
self.__debug(call, 'Skipping function')
return False
self.__debug(call, 'Queueing function', 'to queue')
self.__queued[call.name] = enqueued + [call]
return True
def __pop(self):
"""Pops the next function from the queue and returns the ``Call``
instance which encapsulates it.
call = self.__queue.get_nowait()
enqueued = self.__queued[call.name]
# TODO shouldn't the call always
# be at the end of the list?
# This will be a little bit faster
# if you remove the call by index.
if len(enqueued) == 0:
return call
def __debug(self, call, prefix, postfix=None):
"""Prints a standardised log message."""
if log.getEffectiveLevel() != logging.DEBUG:
funcName, modName = self.__getCallbackDetails(call.func)
if postfix is None: postfix = ' '
else: postfix = ' {} '.format(postfix)
log.debug('{} {} [{}.{}]{}({} in queue)'.format(
def __getCallbackDetails(self, cb):
"""Returns the function name and module name of the given
function reference. Used purely for debug log statements.
import inspect
if log.getEffectiveLevel() != logging.DEBUG:
return '', ''
members = inspect.getmembers(cb)
funcName = ''
modName = ''
for name, val in members:
if name == '__func__':
funcName = val.__name__
modName = val.__module__
return funcName, modName