Source code for fsleyes_props.build_parts

#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Parts used by the build module to build a GUI from a
# HasProperties object.
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""Parts for building a GUI.

This module provides definitiions of the parts used by the :mod:`.build`
module to build a GUI for a :class:`.HasProperties` instance. See the
:mod:`.build` module documentation for some examples.

Conditional visibility/state

The value of the ``ViewItem.dependencies`` parameter determines the required
format of the ``enabledWhen`` and ``visibleWhen`` parameters, and the
behaviour which controls the visible/enabled state of the displayed item.

If ``dependencies`` is ``None``, the visible/enabled state of the item will be
evaluated whenever any property on the target ``HasProperties`` instance
change. The ``enabledWhen`` and ``visibleWhen`` functions will be passed this

If ``dependencies`` is not ``None``, it must be a list containing the names of
properties on the ``HasProperties`` instance. The visible/enabled state of the
item will then be evaluated whenever the value of these specific properties
change, rather than whenever the value of any property changes. In this case,
the ``enabledWhen`` and ``visibleWhen`` functions will be passed the instance,
and the values of the specified properties as positional arguments.

If the enabled/visible state of the item is dependent on the value of a
property of a different ``HasProperties`` instance, the ``dependencies`` list
can contain a tuple which specifies the dependency as an ``(instance,
propName)`` pair. The ``instance`` may alternately be a function which accepts
the primary ``HasProperties`` instance as a single argument, and returns the
secondary instance (this is useful if you are defining ``ViewItems`` before
any of the ``HasProperties`` instances exist).

This all sounds a bit convoluted, but in practice is pretty simple.  Example::

    import wx
    import fsleyes_props as props

    class MyObj1(props.HasProperties):
        myPropA = props.Boolean()

    class MyObj2(props.HasProperties):
        myProp1 = props.Int()
        myProp2 = props.Real()
        myProp3 = props.Boolean()

        def __init__(self, mo1):
            self.mo1 = mo1

    mo2View = props.VGroup((

        # myProp1 is only visible
        # when MyObj1.myPropA is True

            # MyObj2 stores a reference to the
            # MyObj1 instance which controls
            # the state of the myProp1 widget.
            dependencies=[(lambda i: i.mo1, 'myPropA')],

            # The visibleWhen callback gets
            # passed the MyObj1 instance,
            # and the value of MyObj2.mo1.myPropA
            visibleWhen=lambda i, mo1val: mo1val),

        # myProp2 is only enabled
        # when MyObj2.myProp3 is True
            enabledWhen=lambda i: i.myProp3),

        # myProp3 is alway visible/enabled

    mo1 = MyObj1()
    mo2 = MyObj2(mo1)

    app      = wx.App()
    mo1Frame = props.buildGUI(None, mo1)
    mo2Frame = props.buildGUI(None, mo2, view=mo2View)


import copy

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ViewItem(object): """Superclass for :class:`Widget`, :class:`Button`, :class:`Label` and :class:`Group`. Represents an item to be displayed. """ def __init__(self, key=None, label=None, tooltip=None, visibleWhen=None, enabledWhen=None, dependencies=None, setup=None, **kwargs): """Define a ``ViewItem``. :param str key: An identifier for this item. If this item is a :class:`Widget`, this should be the property name that the widget edits. This key is used to look up labels and tooltips, if they are passed in as dicts (see :func:`.buildGUI`). :param str label: A label for this item, which may be used in the GUI. :param str tooltip: A tooltip, which may be displayed when the user hovers the mouse over the widget for this :class:`ViewItem`. :param visibleWhen: A function which takes at least one argument (see note about the ``dependencies`` parameter above), the ``HasProperties`` instance, and returns a ``bool``. When any property values change, the function is called. The return value is used to determine whether this item should be made visible or invisible. :param enabledWhen: Same as the ``visibleWhen`` parameter, except the state of the item (and its children) is changed between enabled and disabled. :param dependencies: List of dependencies which determine when the visible/enabled state of the item are evaluated, and the arguments that are passed to the ``visibleWhen``/``enabledWhen`` functions. :param setup: Optional function which is called when te GUI object represented by this ViewItem is first created. The function is passed the ``HasProperties`` instance, the :mod:`wx` GUI parent object, and the :mod:`wx` object. :param kwargs: Any type-specific options which are to be passed through to the creation function, defined in the :mod:`.widgets` module. """ self.key = key self.label = label self.tooltip = tooltip self.visibleWhen = visibleWhen self.enabledWhen = enabledWhen self.dependencies = dependencies self.setup = setup self.kwargs = kwargs def __str__(self): return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.key) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Creates a deep copy of this ``ViewItem``. Deep copies are made of all attributes, except for the ``dependencies`` list, which may contain references to objects that cannot be deep-copied. """ new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) memo[id(self)] = new for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k == 'dependencies': setattr(new, k, copy.copy( v)) else: setattr(new, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) return new
[docs] class Button(ViewItem): """Represents a button which, when clicked, will call a specified callback function. When the button is clicked, the callback function is passed two arguemnts - the :class:`.HasProperties` instance, and the :class:`wx.Button` instance. """ def __init__(self, key=None, text=None, callback=None, icon=None, **kwargs): """ If the ``icon`` argument is provided, it is used instead of any specified ``text``. The ``icon`` should be a string containing the name of the image file. :arg key: Passed to :meth:`ViewItem.__init__`. :arg text: Text to show on the button (if ``icons`` are not used). :arg callback: Function to call when the button is clicked. :arg icon: The name of an icon image to show on the button. All other arguments are passed through to :meth:`ViewItem.__init__`. """ self.callback = callback self.icon = icon self.text = text ViewItem.__init__(self, key, **kwargs) def __str__( self): return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.text) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] class Toggle(ViewItem): """Represents a *toggle* widget of some sort (e.g. a check box, or a toggle button) which, when clicked, calls a specified callback function. """ def __init__(self, key=None, callback=None, icon=None, **kwargs): """Create a ``Toggle``. :arg key: Passed to :meth:`ViewItem.__init__`. :arg callback: Function to call when the toggle widget is clicked. Must accept two arguments - the :class:`.HasProperties` instance, and the toggle widget. :arg icon: The name of an image file, or a list of two image file names. All other arguments are passed through to :meth:`ViewItem.__init__`. """ self.callback = callback self.icon = icon ViewItem.__init__(self, key, **kwargs) def __str__( self): return '{}()'.format(self.__class__.__name__) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] class Label(ViewItem): """Represents a static text label.""" def __init__(self, viewItem=None, **kwargs): """Define a label. :class:`Label` objects are automatically created for other :class:`ViewItem` objects, which are to be labelled. """ if viewItem is not None: kwargs['key'] = '{}_label'.format(viewItem.key) kwargs['label'] = viewItem.label kwargs['tooltip'] = viewItem.tooltip kwargs['visibleWhen'] = viewItem.visibleWhen kwargs['enabledWhen'] = viewItem.enabledWhen kwargs['dependencies'] = viewItem.dependencies ViewItem.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __str__( self): return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.label) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] class Widget(ViewItem): """Represents a widget which is used to modify a property value. """ def __init__(self, propName, index=None, **kwargs): """Define a :class:`Widget`. :param str propName: The name of the property which this widget can modify. :param int index: If provided, it is assumed that the property is a :class:`.List`, and the index specifies the list item that this widget will be bound to. :param kwargs: Passed to the :class:`ViewItem` constructor. """ kwargs['key'] = propName self.index = index ViewItem.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] class Group(ViewItem): """Represents a collection of other :class:`ViewItem` objects. This class is not to be used directly - use one of the subclasses: - :class:`VGroup` - :class:`HGroup` - :class:`NotebookGroup` """ def __init__(self, children, showLabels=True, border=False, grow=True, **kwargs): """Define a :class:`Group`. Parameters: :param children: List of :class:`ViewItem` objects, the children of this :class:`Group`. :param bool showLabels: Whether labels should be displayed for each of the children. If this is ``True``, an attribute will be added to this :class:`Group` object in the :func:`_prepareView` function, called ``childLabels``, which contains a :class:`Label` object for each child. :param bool border: If ``True``, this group will be drawn with a border around it. If this group is a child of another :class:`VGroup`, it will be laid out a bit differently, too. :param bool grow: If ``True``, this group will be resized if its parent window is resized. :param kwargs: Passed to the :class:`ViewItem` constructor. """ ViewItem.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.children = children self.border = border self.grow = grow self.showLabels = showLabels def __str__(self): def doStr(viewItem, depth): if isinstance(viewItem, Group): s = '{}{}\n'.format(' ' * depth, ViewItem.__str__(viewItem)) for child in viewItem.children: s = s + doStr(child, depth + 1) else: s = '{}{}\n'.format(' ' * depth, str(viewItem)) return s return doStr(self, 0)
[docs] class NotebookGroup(Group): """A :class:`Group` representing a GUI Notebook. Children are added as notebook pages. """ def __init__(self, children, **kwargs): """Define a :class:`NotebookGroup`. :param children: List of :class:`ViewItem` objects - a tab in the notebook is added for each child. """ Group.__init__(self, children, **kwargs)
[docs] class HGroup(Group): """A group representing a GUI panel, whose children are laid out horizontally. """ def __init__(self, children, wrap=False, vertLabels=False, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`HGroup`. :arg wrap: If ``True`` the children are wrapped, via a :class:`wx.WrapSizer`; if there is not enough horizontal space to display all children in a single row, the remaining children are displayed on a new row. :arg vertLabels: If ``True`` child labels are displayed above the child. """ self.wrap = wrap self.vertLabels = vertLabels Group.__init__(self, children, **kwargs)
[docs] class VGroup(Group): """A group representing a GUI panel, whose children are laid out vertically. """ def __init__(self, children, **kwargs): kwargs['border'] = kwargs.get('border', True) Group.__init__(self, children, **kwargs)