Basis Spectra Simulation
The linear combination fitting method used by FSL-MRS requires the user to specify basis spectra. A basis spectrum must be supplied for each fitted metabolite. The basis spectra are specific to a sequence type, the precise sequence timings and RF pulses in the sequence. Each basis spectrum is effectively a “fingerprint” for a metabolite that will be scaled and manipulated simultaneously with all the other basis spectra during the fitting optimisation. Whilst the basis spectra can be generated from scanning phantoms, the recommended way is via simulation of the spectra using either a third-party software or FSL-MRS’s own density matrix simulator.
FSL-MRS’s simulation software may be accessed through the fsl_mrs_sim
command line program. This section describes how to construct a description of your sequence, run the simulation and the format of the output basis spectra. Please see the dedicated simulation page for detailed information for the underlying simulation library.
Getting started
Creation of basis spectra is a difficult step in the analysis of MRS data, with plenty of pitfalls even for experienced users. Please consult with local MRS experts or the technical community on the MRSHub forums for assistance and recommendations. The developers of FSL-MRS are aware that this area of the analysis pipeline remains a difficult stage and efforts are continuing to improve it for users. To that aim we have created two resources for understanding basis set simulation in FSL-MRS:
The section of the online FSL Course dedicated to MRS basis set simulation.
The description in this documentation and the example python notebook Example basis spectra creation.ipynb, downloadable from this link: FSL-MRS example data.
Describing a sequence – the sequence file format
In FSL-MRS a sequence to be simulated is described in a JSON format file. The sequence description should comprise one transient (repetition time) of the sequence. The file breaks the sequence into a series of blocks that describe the preparation of the magnetization. Each block comprises an RF pulse, slice selection gradient, a delay with optional gradient rephasing/crushing and an optional coherence filter. The simulation does not simulate the read-out module of a sequence.
Phase cycling can in most cases be removed from the sequence and replaced by suitable coherence selection. If simulation of phase cycling is required, then summation of multiple runs of the simulator will be required with appropriate phase cycling gradients inserted into the delay period of each block. In a similar way edited sequences could be simulated.
Coherence filters for some typical sequences are the following:
Sequence |
Filter |
[1,0,-1] |
[-1,1,-1] |
[-1,1,-1,1,-1] |
[-1,1,1,-1,-1] |
For more information on coherence filters see this reference. The filter must end on –1. This is the only detected coherence in the simulator.
For a description of the sequence file parameters see the sequence file page. Alternatively see the examples in the packaged in the example_usage/example_data/example_sequences directory (examplePRESS.json & exampleSTEAM.json).
Please note that delays in the sequence description file do not include the duration of the pulse. I.e., the time from the centroid to the start/end of the RF pulse must be added to the delay to calculate the time between pulse centroids.
Using fsl_mrs_sim
provides a command line interface to the density matrix simulator in FSL-MRS. For examples on how to run the simulations in an interactive way see the API documentation (insert link here) and the packaged notebooks in the source code.
On the command line the user must specify the sequence file to simulate, one of three metabolite options , any empirically measured macromolecule signal and the output folder (-o, –output). We recommend specifying an echo time (-e, –echotime; echo time in ms).
- Optionally:
a 0 ppm reference can be added (
-a, --addref
)Automatic phasing of the spectra can be achieved by simulating a singlet peak at a specified offset from the receiver centre (
-p, --autophase
, offset in ppm).Different format outputs can be specified (
--jmrui, --raw, --lcmIN
Simulating basis spectra for j-difference editing
To simulate a basis spectrum for a j-difference edited sequence (e.g. MEGA-PRESS) simulate the basis for each condition and create the difference spectrum using the basis_tools diff
Choosing metabolites
The simulator is aware of the following metabolites. Spin systems are specified as in [SIMP17] and [GOVI00].
System |
Name in simulator |
System |
Name in simulator |
acetate |
Ace |
water |
H2O |
alanine |
Ala |
myo-inositol |
Ins |
ascorbic acid |
Asc |
lactate |
Lac |
aspartic acid |
Asp |
N‐acetyl aspartate |
citrate |
Cit |
(NAA) glutamate |
creatine |
Cr |
phosphocholine |
PCh |
ethanol |
EtOH |
phosphocreatine |
PCr |
γ-aminobutyric acid1 |
phosphorylethanolamine |
PE |
γ-aminobutyric acid2 |
GABA_gov |
phenylalanine |
Phenyl |
glycerophosphocholine |
scyllo-Inositol |
Scyllo |
glutathione2 |
serine |
Ser |
glutathione3 |
GSH_v2 |
taurine |
Tau |
glucose |
Glc |
tyrosine |
Tyros |
glutamine |
Gln |
beta-hydroxybutyrate |
bHB |
glutamate |
Glu |
2-HG4 |
bHG |
glycine |
Gly |
1 Near et al. proc intl soc magn reson med 2012. p. 4386
2 Corrigendum to Govindaraju et al. NMR Biomed . 2000; 13: 129–153
3 Tkac et al. proc intl soc magn reson med 2008: p1624
4 Bal et al. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 2002;40:533–36
Metabolites to simulate can be specified on the command line using the –m
option with a list typed on the command line, with the –b
option specifying a text file with one metabolite listed per line, or the –s
option pointing to a spin system json file for custom spin systems.
It is not recommended to simulate and use all of the metabolites. A typical list to start with for short echo time spectroscopy might be:
Ala, Asp, GPC, PCh, Cr, PCr, GABA, Glc, Gln, Glu, GSH, Ins, Lac, NAA, NAAG, PE, Tau
Including macromolecules in your basis set
An empirical description of the macromolecules can be included in the basis set by using the --MM
option. The macromolecules must be specified in a json format containing fields basis_re, basis_im, basis_dwell, basis_centre, basis_width and basis_name (see Output).
Example commands
To simulate the response of creatine, NAA and phosphocholine with the example TE = 11 ms STEAM sequence:
fsl_mrs_sim -m Cr,NAA,PCh –o basis –e 11 exampleSTEAM.json
To simulate the same using a batch metabolite list:
fsl_mrs_sim -b mymetabs.txt –o basis –e 11 exampleSTEAM.json
mymetabs.txt contains Cr,NAA,PCh each on a new line.
Repeat the first example with automatic zero-order phasing. The automatic phasing simulates a peak at -2 ppm relative to the receiver set at 4.65 ppm (centralShift in table 1). 2.65 ppm is close to the centre of excitation.:
fsl_mrs_sim -m Cr,NAA,PCh –o basis –e 11 -p -2.0 exampleSTEAM.json
Speed of simulation
The simulator takes advantage of the extended 1D projection method as implemented by [LAND19]. The 1D projection method permits a dramatic time reduction during simulation but only where gradients occur in a non-reoccurring order e.g. x,y,z or x,y,y,z not x,y,z,y. In the latter case expect the simulation to take significantly longer.
Where the 1D projection method can be used the simulation time will scale with the sum of the spatial resolution in each dimension. In other cases, the time will scale with the product.
If a large number of spatial points are specified (>30 in each dimension) then the simulation time for all metabolites can extend into a number of hours. We recommend ensuring that the sequence parameters are correctly defined using lower resolution simulations.
Output – the basis spectra file format
will output a folder (location specified with -o
) containing a separate json file for each simulated metabolite. The json file contains a full description of:
the simulated basis FID
the sequence used to simulate the basis. This allows the basis json to be used as a sequence file for new simulations.
The density matrix state before readout. This allows regeneration of the basis FID at any resolution and bandwidth.
Other basis spectra file formats supported by FSL-MRS:
LCModel (.BASIS) format: For interoperability FSL-MRS can read basis spectra in from LCModel .basis files. See the LCModel webpages for more information on this specific format.
JMRUI text format
LCModel Raw format (not recommended)
Other recommended simulation environments include: MARSS, NMR ScopeB (jMRUI), VESPA