FSL-MRS Release History
This document contains the FSL-MRS release history in reverse chronological order.
2.4.0 (Tuesday 17th December 2024)
Added p-spline baseline option to MH fitting algorithm.
Updated documentation around MH fitting.
Widened MH fitting priors to allow better handling of poorly scaled data.
Fixed incorrect covariance and uncertainty calculation with new p-spline baseline option.
Improved handling of trailing singleton dimensions of NIfTI-MRS data through various processing scripts.
Fixed bug in unlike scan removal (e.g. fsl_mrs_proc unlike) when there was a header associated with the dimension being operated on.
2.3.2 (Monday 18th November 2024)
Fixed bug in fsl_mrs_summarise that caused existing data symlinks to not be found. Thanks to Sean Tan for reporting.
2.3.1 (Thursday 31st October 2024)
Recommended python version incremented to 3.12.
Python testing and validation versions incremented to 3.12
2.3.0 (Friday 25th October 2024)
New baseline options - penalised splines have been added.
In fsl_mrs and fsl_mrsi, baseline options should now be specified using the –baseline argument. Legacy –baseline_order is still available.
New python interface api for fitting to accompany the new baseline options
Dask now integrated for multi-voxel fitting across local cores and HPC clusters.
Fix bug in coil combination with trailing singleton dimensions
Fix bug for numpy versions < 2 calculating quantifiaction areas
2.2.0 (Tuesday 9th July 2024)
Increment minimum python version to 3.9, testing now takes place on python 3.11, matching main FSL.
Numpy 2.0 compatibility
2.1.21 (Tuesday 16th April 2024)
Fix automatic deployment validation pipeline
2.1.20 (Monday 15th April 2024)
Minor improvements in MRSI plotting and preprocessing routines using average spectra.
Added default relaxation values for 1.5 tesla.
You can now specify custom T1 and T2 values to fsl_mrs using the –t1-values and –t2-values.
The (t1/t2/tissue fraction) values used in the qunatification stage are now output as a quantification_info.csv file.
quantification_info.csv can be passed to any of –tissue_frac, –t1-values and –t2-values as inputs.
2.1.19 (Wednesday 7th February 2024)
Multiple metabolites can now be specified as the water scaling metabolite
Default water scaling metabolite is now PCr+Cr to add robustness to one of PCr or Cr not being fit.
Improved error logging in fsl_mrsi when parallel processing enabled.
2.1.18 (Thursday 7th December 2023)
Fixed bug in fsl_mrs_summarise that resulted in hang if single level of listed directories weren’t distinguishable.
NIfTI-MRS tools v1.1.1 required. Fixes some visualisation bugs.
2.1.17 (Tuesday 5th December 2023)
Fixed bug in windowed averaging introduced in v2.1.16
2.1.16 (Saturday 25th November 2023)
Better visualisation of dynamic fitting results.
Added experimental windowed averaging to phase and frequency alignment. Improves results for low SNR data or that corrupted by phase cycled artifacts.
2.1.15 (Thursday 9th November 2023)
No changes to FSL-MRS functionality, only under-the-hood fixes.
Further (to 2.1.14) changes to Docker CI images. Added build files and instructions to FSL-MRS repository.
Fixes to version (versioneer) tracking.
2.1.14 (Wednesday 8th November 2023)
Under the hood fixes to CI pipeline.
2.1.13 (Tuesday 5th August 2023)
Add group level f-tests to the fmrs_stats tool. First level f-contrasts are not yet implemented.
Removed / retained indices after fsl_mrs_proc unlike (and related functions) are now listed in the NIfTI-MRS headers under the key “DIM_DYN Indices”.
2.1.12 (Thursday 10th August 2023)
Implemented more testing of fsl_mrs_proc routines.
Fixed further bugs in fsl_mrs_proc unlike.
Fixed issues in the example notebooks distributed with FSL-MRS.
2.1.11 (Tuesday 8th August 2023)
Fixed bug in fsl_mrs_proc unlike.
2.1.10 (Tuesday 1st August 2023)
Coil covariance estimation is now common across all inputs to fsl_mrs_preproc and fsl_mrs_preproc_edit.
Fallback option to disable coil pre-whitening when it isn’t possible to calculate.
2.1.9 (Friday 28th July 2023)
Coil covariance estimation can now use multiple spectra held in higher NIfTI-MRS dimensions.
2.1.8 (Tuesday 25th July 2023)
fsl_dynmrs can now handle MRSI data. This requires the use of fsl_sub, which is now a dependency.
Custom initialisation functions can now be defined in dynamic fitting configuration files.
2.1.7 (Friday 7th July 2023)
Added fsl_mrs_proc mrsi-align which can perform frequency and phase alignment across voxels using cross correlation.
Added fsl_mrs_proc mrsi-lipid which can perform lipid removal using Bilgic et al’s L2-regularised method.
fsl_mrs_proc fshift can now take NIfTI images of matched shape witht he –shifthz anf –shiftppm to apply per-voxel shifts.
Fixed bug with incorrectly calculated zero order phase when given in degrees.
Improved interface and options for dynamic fitting driven preprocessing.
Fixed minor bug in fsl_mrs_summarise
Fixed bug where quantification information wasn’t generated if no tissue fractions were given.
Added warnings when quantification reference or water has zero integral.
Moved to nifti-mrs 1.0.0 API
2.1.6 (Friday 5th May 2023)
Add model performance outputs to dynamic fitting.
Refined parameter-derived linewidth estimates of (default) voigt model. Previously the width of the Gaussian component was overestimated (by 50%), this did not affect per-metabolite QC measurement of FWHM reported in the main HTML remport and results CSV.
fMRS contrasts formed from individual betas (e.g. using fmrs_stats) now operate over all parameter classes, not just concentrations (i.e. sigma, gamma, eps, baseline, phase, and concentrations).
fmrs_stats can now be used to express metabolite concentrations as ratios to another contrast (e.g. for scaling to another metabolite, for example tCr).
Added better help and error text for fsl_dyn_mrs.
2.1.5 (Wednesday 26th April 2023)
Improved speed of coil combination for MRSI
Noise or covariance matrix may be supplied directly for pre-whitening in coil combination (fsl_mrs_proc, fsl_mrs_preproc, fsl_mrs_preproc_edit).
More robust tests for coil combination.
Fix 1D projection method for simulation of edited sequences
2.1.4 (Thursday 30th March 2023)
Improved fsl_mrs_summarise identification of dataset names.
Fixed bug in fsl_mrs_proc apodize
2.1.3 (Wednesday 22nd March 2023)
Improved noise baseline de-trending in QC estimation.
Resolved dash/flask dependency issues for python 3.7.
2.1.2 (Tuesday 21st March 2023)
Fixed bug in fsl_mrs_summarise showing some fits inverted along x.
Updated installation instructions.
Updated fsl_mrs report to include basis spectra (removed real/imag view).
2.1.1 (Monday 20th March 2023)
Better handling of x-nuclei, including specific constants, ppm ranges, offsets etc.
More appropriate xlabels for x-nuclei
Fix issues around resolving symlinks, fsl_mrs results generate symlinks with appropriate extensions.
Fixed plotting bug (depreciation of grid_b parameter in matplotlib).
2.1.0 (Thursday 19th January 2023)
FSL-MRS now uses the nifti-mrs tools python package. mrs_tools superseded by nifti-mrs implementation.
Fixed bug in fmrs_stats design/contrast matrix specification
Fixed bug in fmrs statistics module for metabolites with an underscore in their name.
2.0.9 (Wednesday 23rd November 2022)
svs_segment and mrsi_segment now normalise all voxel sums to 1.0
QC now correctly estimates FWHM of inverted peaks.
2.0.8 (Monday 7th November 2022)
Added check (and printed suggestion) in fsl_mrs and fsl_mrsi that default MM are added to appropriate metabolite groups.
Added ppm range option to fsl_mrs_preproc alignment stage. Use option –align_limits.
Added new initialisation options to dynamic fitting based on free (rather than mapped) parameters.
Truncation step in fsl_mrs_preproc now happens earlier in series.
2.0.7 (Thursday 20th October 2022)
Added linear phase modulation to phasing processing tool, alternative to (interpolated) time domain time-shift
Added more linear phase metrics to static fitting report.
Refactored fitting models. ‘Freeshift’ model added to enable unconstrained frequency shifts.
Added basis_tools shift_all command that can be used to tweak basis set based on a freeshift fit on high SNR data.
Fix bug introduced in 2.0.5 in fsl_mrs_preproc where there was exactly one bad/good transient removed/kept.
2.0.6 (Monday 17th October 2022)
New CI validation stage that publishes to https://wtclarke.github.io/lcm_validation/index.html
Fix bug in simulator code that stopped spatially resolved simulations running.
2.0.5 (Wednesday 5th October 2022)
Added specific –fmrs flag to fsl_mrs_preproc. This causes more sensible handling of data that isn’t averaged e.g. not using data driven phase correction for each transient.
fsl_mrs_proc phase and fsl_mrs_proc fshift now have the –use_avg to mirror the changes in fsl_mrs_preproc.
Fixed plotting issue in fsl_dynmrs report.
Updated Windows installation instructions.
2.0.4 (Wednesday 28th September 2022)
fsl_mrs results now create symlinks to original data objects
Updated command line interface for fsl_mrs_summarise, a list of results directories can now be passed.
mrs_tools split better identifies which file contains which indices.
Added fit and plot utility methods to mrs and results objects in python API.
2.0.3 (Wednesday 21st September 2022)
Fixed bug in results / QC that only ran QC over default ppm region.
Improved loading and ID of file types.
Fixed bug in packaged example data loader.
Improved textual help in fsl_mrs_preproc and fsl_mrs_proc for inappropriate data.
2.0.2 (Monday 1st August 2022)
Handle jMRUI basis sets generated in VESPA which lack the SignalNames field.
Add utility function parse_metab_groups to MRS class.
2.0.1 (Thursday 28th July 2022)
Fix results list generation from metropolis hastings dynamic optimisation
Fix bug in fsl_mrs_summarise that would stop data with a disabled baseline (order = -1) working.
Added conversion of jMRUI basis sets to basis_tools convert.
–mask argument no longer mandatory for fsl_mrsi.
Fixed bugs in mrsi_segment, auto run fsl_anat now work and qform copied to sform for MRSI in cases with small differences.
2.0.0 (Wednesday 6th July 2022)
Major rework of basis and fitting script interaction. First release of dynamic MRS fitting.
Static fitting
Default macromolecules are now added through basis_tools script rather than fitting. Fitting does not alter basis at run time now.
Fixed bug in calculation of concentration covariances. New MC tests included.
Better and faster covariance estimation via analytical jacobian.
Update to QC SNR calculation to improve stability.
Dynamic fitting
Saved dynamic results now contain free parameter covariances.
New documentation for dynamic fitting
New fmrs_stats module and script for higher-level GLM analysis.
Other new features
Experimental SVS results dashboard - view the results of multiple SVS fits together in a single summary.
New documentation for dynamic fitting and all new features.
Refactored imports to improve CLI startup times
Conversion of LCModel raw formatted basis sets using basis_tools convert.
1.1.14 (Wednesday 29th June 2022)
Fixed variability in HLSVD by moving to Scipy dense svd.
Fix for -ve ISHIFT in LCModel basis read. Also throws helpful error for encrypted basis.
Fixed incorrect plotting of svs voxel orientation in fitting report.
Fix issue in results_to_spectrum for disabled baseline.
1.1.13 (Wednesday 1st June 2022)
Updated setup script to allow command line scripts to run on MS Windows.
Any FSL cmd-line scripts used operate through fslpy wrappers (including WSL interface).
Updated install instructions for Windows.
Added the fsl_mrs_verify script which can be run to verify correct function of FSL-MRS.
1.1.12 (Wednesday 20th April 2022)
Update to fslpy version (to 3.9.0) to substantially speed up MRSI preprocessing.
Fixes to NIFTI_MRS class for compatibility with new fslpy version.
Previous versions of FSL-MRS will not be compatible with fslpy >= 3.9.0
1.1.11 (Monday 4th April 2022)
Now able to choose the number of workers in fsl_mrs_sim.
Basis conversion now can remove reference peaks in a single step.
Peak removal in basis set now defaults to zeroing rather than HLSVD for greater numerical stability. Mimics LCModel approach.
Updates and corrections to documentation, references to new FSL Course MRS section added.
Fixed bugs in LCModel basis set handling.
Removed divide by zero warnings in quantification of voxels where fitting has failed.
New outputs from fsl_mrsi script: parameter correlation matrices, group mappings and parameter names
1.1.10 (Thursday 12 January 2022)
Updates to fsl_mrs_preproc_edit
Updated install documentation.
Implemented new fft based interpolation of basis sets. Improves suppression of interpolation aliasing.
1.1.9 (Tuesday 30th November 2021)
Fixed typos in fsl_mrs_proc help.
Fixed simulator bug for edited sequence coherence filters.
Modified API of syntheticFromBasis function.
Dynamic fitting now handles multiple different basis sets.
Fix mapped parameter uncertainties in dynamic MRS results.
Dynamic fitting results can now be saved to and loaded from a directory.
Added MH sample option to fsl_mrs, matches interactive python interface.
Changes to the dynamic fitting results API.
Allow tissue fractions with larger errors, but normalise. Error thrown if sum < 0.9.
Specialist phase & frequency alignment via dynamic fitting added.
Added fsl_mrs_preproc_edit as a script for preprocessing edited data.
Updated documentation with new install instructions.
Updated interactive fitting documentation
1.1.8 (Tuesday 5th October 2021)
Fix bug in fsl_mrsi when default MM are added to a incorrectly conjugated basis set.
Fix MRM reference in HTML report.
1.1.7 (Monday 4th October 2021)
Fixed commandline arguments for mrs_tools.
mrs_tools now handles files with passed without extension.
Fixed plotting orientation for preprocessing reports.
CRLB are now reported in scaled absolute and percentage units.
mrs_tools vis now handles DIM_COIL dimension appropriately with –display_dim command.
Added a –no_mean command to mrs_tools vis to remove the average signal in multi dimensional data.
1.1.6 (Monday 20th September 2021)
Updates to dynamic MRS fitting in prep for 2021 dwMRS workshop.
Dynamic MRS fitting beta: pending tests, documentation, and final features.
1.1.5 (Wednesday 11th August 2021)
Updated example MRSI data to conform to NIfTI-MRS standard.
Quantification will not fail if volume fractions do not sum exactly to 1.0 (to within 1E-3).
fixed bug in fsl_mrsi looking for TE in wrong header structure.
New mrs_tools command ‘conjugate’ to help fix NIfTI-MRS data with the wrong phase/frequency convention.
basis_tools remove has number of HLSVD components reduced to stop odd broad resonance behaviour.
fsl_mrs_proc align can now align across all higher dimension FIDs. Pass ‘all’ as dimension tag.
New command “fsl_mrs_proc model”. HSLVD modelling of peaks in defined region. Number of components settable.
Updates to basis set simulator. Non-uniform slice select gradients are now handled.
1.1.4 (Tuesday 3rd August 2021)
Fixed bug in calculation of molality concentration. Tissue mole fractions had been swapped for tissue volume fractions. Molar concentrations unaffected.
Fixed bug in mrs_tools split
Fixed bug in alignment of multi-dimensional data.
Fixed bug in fsl_mrsi: data without a water reference now works.
fsl_mrsi now outputs fitting nuisance parameters: phases, and shifts & linewidths for each metabolite group.
Add NIfTI-MRS reshape command
Add basis_tools remove_peak option to run HLSVD, typical usage for removing TMS peak.
Added an add_water_peak method to MRS class.
Updated fit_FSLModel defaults to match fsl_mrs command line defaults.
1.1.3 (Tuesday 29th June 2021)
Added mrs_tools script. Replaces mrs_vis and mrs_info. Adds split/merge/reorder functionality.
Added basis_tools script. Tools for manipulating (shifting, scaling, converting, differencing, conjugating, and adding to) basis sets.
Improved display of basis sets using mrs_tools or basis_tools.
Added ‘default’ MEGA-PRESS MM option to fsl_mrs and mrs class.
Preprocessing tools now add processing provenance information to NIfTI-MRS files.
Under the hood refactor of basis, MRS, and MRSI classes.
Updated density matrix simulator. Added some automatic testing.
Added documentation about the results_to_spectrum script.
1.1.2 (Friday 16th April 2021)
Added 2H information
Bug fixes
Added documentation around installation from conda
1.1.1 (Monday 15th March 2021)
SNR measurements should cope with negative peak amplitudes correctly
New metabolites added to list of default water referencing metabolites (Cr, PCr and NAA)
Quantification now takes into account T1 relaxation
Quantification module now fits the water reference FID to deal with corruption of first FID points.
Added plot in report to clarify referencing signals.
Restructure of internal quantification code.
1.1.0 (Thursday 18th February 2021)
Support for NIfTI-MRS format.
Preprocessing scripts reoriented around NIfTI-MRS framework
New script results_to_spectrum for generating full fits in NIfTI-MRS format from fsl_mrs results.
Documentation and example data updated for move to NIfTI-MRS.
Added mrs_info command to give quick text summary of NIfTI-MRS file contents.
Updates to the WIP dynamic fitting module.
1.0.6 (Tuesday 12th January 2021)
Internal changes to core MRS class.
New plotting functions added, utility functions for plotting added to MRS class.
fsl_mrs/aux folder renamed for Windows compatibility.
Moved online documentation to open.win.ox.ac.uk/pages/fsl/fsl_mrs/.
Fixed small bugs in preprocessing display.
Synthetic spectra now use fitting model directly.
Bug fixes in the fsl_Mrs commandline interface. Thanks to Alex Craig-Craven.
WIP: Dynamic fitting model and dynamic experiment simulation.
spec2nii requirement pinned to 0.2.11 during NIfTI-MRS development.
1.0.5 (Friday 9th October 2020)
Extended documentation of hardcoded constants, including MCMC priors.
Extended documentation of synthetic macromolecules.
Added flag to MCMC optimise baseline parameters.
1.0.4 (Friday 14th August 2020)
Fixed bug in automatic conjugation facility of fsl_mrs_preproc
jmrui text file reader now handles files with both FID and spectra
1.0.3 (Friday 10th July 2020)
Changed to pure python version of HLSVDPRO (hlsvdpropy). Slight speed penalty but hopefully reduced cross-compilation issues.
fsl_mrs_preproc now outputs zipped NIFTI files to match the rest of the command-line scripts.
Apodisation option added to alignment in fsl_mrs_proc and fsl_mrs_preproc. Reduces effect of noise. Default value is 10 Hz of exponential apodisation.
Fixed phasing subcommand added to fsl_mrs_proc allowing the user to apply a fixed 0th and 1st order phase.
mrs_vis now handles folders as an input for MRS data (still handles folders of basis files).
Conjugation command added to fsl_mrs_proc.
fsl_mrs_preproc automatically conjugates input spectra if required.
Typos and small bug fixes.
Documentation expanded.
1.0.2 (Saturday 27th June 2020)
Add missing requirement (pillow)
1.0.1 (Friday 19th June 2020)
Output folder in fsl_mrs_proc will now be created if it does not exist.
fsl_mrs_proc now handles data with a singleton coil dimension correctly.
–ind_scale and –disable_MH_priors options added to fsl_mrs and fsl_mrsi.
1.0.0 (Wednesday 17th June 2020)
First public release of package.