
This module contains definitions of processing functions - functions which may be specifeid in the processing table.

A processing function may perform any sort of processing on one or more variables. A processing function may add, remove, or manipulate the columns of the DataTable.

All processing functions must accept the following as their first two positional arguments:

  • The DataTable object, containing references to the data, variable, and processing table.

  • A list of integer ID of the variables to process.

Furthermore, all processing functions must return one of the following:

  • None, indicating that no columns are to be added or removed.

  • A list (must be a list) of Column objects describing the columns that should be removed from the data.

  • A tuple (must be a tuple) of length 2, containing:

    • A list of pandas.Series that should be added to the data.

    • A list of variable IDs to use for each new Series. This list must have the same length as the list of new Series, but if they are not associated with any specific variable, None may be used.

  • A tuple of length 3, containing:

    • List of columns to be removed

    • List of Series to be added

    • List of variable IDs for each new Series.

  • A tuple of length 4, containing the above, and:

    • List of dicts associated with each of the new Series. These will be passed as keyword arguments to the Column objects that represent each of the new Series.

The following processing functions are defined:


Removes columns deemed to be sparse.


Removes columns deemed to be redundant.


Replace a categorical column with one binary column per category.


Expand a compound column into a set of columns, one for each value.


Create binary columns for (e.g.) ICD10 codes, denoting them as either primary or secondary.


Remove all columns associated with one or more datafields/variables.

funpack.processing_functions.binariseCategorical([acrossVisits][, acrossInstances][, minpres][, nameFormat][, replace][, take][, fillval][, replaceTake])[source]

Replace a categorical column with one binary column per category.

Binarises categorical variables - replaces their columns with one new column for each unique value, containing 1 for subjects with that value, and 0 otherwise. Thos procedure is applied independently to all variables that are specified.

The acrossVisits option controls whether the binarisation is applied across visits for each variable. It defaults to False, meaning that the binarisation is applied separately to the columns within each visit. If set to True, the binarisation will be applied to the columns for all visits. Similarly, the acrossInstances option controls whether the binarisation is applied across instances. This defaults to True, which is usually desirable - for example, data field 41202 contains multiple ICD10 diagnoses, separated across different instances.

If the minpres option is specified, it is used as a threshold - categorical values with less than this many occurrences will not be added as columns.

The nameFormat argument controls how the new data columns should be named - it must be a format string using named replacement fields 'vid', 'visit', 'instance', and 'value'. The 'visit' and 'instance' fields may or may not be necessary, depending on the value of the acrossVisits and acrossInstances arguments.

The default value for the nameFormat string is as follows:
















The replace option controls whether the original un-binarised columns should be removed - it defaults to True, which will cause them to be removed.

By default, the new binary columns (one for each unique value in the input columns) will contain a 1 indicating that the value is present, or a 0 indicating its absence. As an alternative to this, the take option can be used to specify another variable from which to take values when populating the output columns. take may be set to a variable ID, or sequence of variable IDs (one for each of the input variables) to take values from. If provided, the generated columns will have values from the column(s) of this variable, instead of containinng binary 0/1 values.

A take variable must have columns that match the columns of the corresponding variable (by both visits and instances).

If take is being used, the fillval option can be used to specify the the value to use for False / 0 rows. It defaults to np.nan.

The replaceTake option is similar to replace - it controls whether the columns associated with the take variables are removed (True - the defailt), or retained.

funpack.processing_functions.createDiagnosisColumns(primvid, secvid)[source]

Create binary columns for (e.g.) ICD10 codes, denoting them as either primary or secondary.

This function is intended for use with data fields containing ICD9, ICD10, OPSC3, and OPSC4 diagnosis codes. The UK Biobank publishes these diagnosis/operative procedure codes twice:

  • The codes are published in a “main” data field containing all codes

  • The codes are published again in two other data fields, containing separate “primary” and “secondary” codes.


Main data field

Primary data field

Secondary data field

















For example, this function may be applied to the ICD10 diagnosis codes like so:

41270 createDiagnosisColumns(41202, 41204)

When applied to one of the main data fields, (e.g. 41270 - ICD10 diagnoses), this function will create two new columns for every unique ICD10 diagnosis code:

  • the first column contains a 1 if the code corresponds to a primary diagnosis (i.e. is also in 41202).

  • the second column contains a 1 if the code corresponds to a secondary diagnosis (i.e. is also in 41204).

The replace option defaults to True - this causes the primary and secondary code columns to be removed from the data set.

The binarised option defaults to False, which causes this function to expect the input columns to be in their raw format, as described in the UKB showcase (e.g. The binarised option can be set to True, which will allow this function to be applied to data fields which have been passed through the binariseCategorical() function.

funpack.processing_functions.expandCompound([nameFormat][, replace])[source]

Expand a compound column into a set of columns, one for each value.

Expands compound variables into a set of columns, one for each value. Rows with different number of values are padded with np.nan.

This procedure is applied independently to each column of each specified variable.

The nameFormat option can be used to control how the new columns should be named - it must be a format string using named replacement fields 'vid', 'visit', 'instance', and 'index'. The default value for nameFormat is '{vid}-{visit}.{instance}_{index}'.

The replace option controls whether the original columns are removed (True - the default), or retained.


Remove all columns associated with one or more datafields/variables.

This function can be used to simply remove columns from the data set. This can be useful if a variable is required for some processing step, but is not needed in the final output file.

funpack.processing_functions.removeIfRedundant(corrthres[, nathres])[source]

Removes columns deemed to be redundant.

Removes columns from the specified group of variables if they are found to be redundant with any other columns in the group.

Redundancy is determined by calculating the correlation between all pairs of columns - columns with an absolute correlation greater than corrthres are identified as redundant.

The test can optionally take the patterns oof missing values into account - if nathres is provided, the missingness correlation is also calculated between all column pairs. Columns must have absolute correlation greater than corrthres and absolute missingness correlation greater than nathres to be identified as redundant.

The skipUnknowns option defaults to False. If it is set to True, columns which are deemed to be redundant with respect to an unknown or uncategorised column are not dropped.

The precision option can be set to either 'double' (the default) or 'single' - this controls whether 32 bit (single) or 64 bit (double) precision floating point is used for the correlation calculation. Double precision is recommended, as the correlation calculation algorithm can be unstable for data with large values (>10e5).

funpack.processing_functions.removeIfSparse([minpres][, minstd][, mincat][, maxcat][, abspres][, abscat][, naval])[source]

Removes columns deemed to be sparse.

Removes columns for all specified variables if they fail a sparsity test. The test is based on the following criteria:

  • The number/proportion of non-NA values must be greater than or equal to minpres.

  • The standard deviation of the data must be greater than minstd.

  • For integer and categorical types, the number/proportion of the largest category must be greater than mincat.

  • For integer and categorical types, the number/proportion of the largest category must be less than maxcat.

If any of these criteria are not met, the data is considered to be sparse. Each criteria can be disabled by passing in None for the relevant parameter.

The minstd test is only performed on numeric columns, and the mincat/maxcat tests are only performed on integer/categorical columns.

If abspres=True (the default), minpres is interpreted as an absolute count. If abspress=False, minpres is interpreted as a proportion.

Similarly, If abscat=True (the default), mincat and maxcat are interpreted as absolute counts. Otherwise mincat and maxcat are interpreted as proportions

The naval argument can be used to customise the value to consider as “missing” - it defaults to np.nan.